His One Mistake

He always made it
Into the office in time
He kept up with the news
The doctors examined him
Twice a year

He knew a few good jokes
He ate lots of fresh fruit
He played football on sunday mornings
He slept at least 8 hours every night
He never smoked
Didn't drink much or lost his temper

He took healthy walks where there was clean air
He kept himself clean
He did his daily excercises
He was all set to live a hundred
But the funeral was few thursdays ago

His one mistake.......
And lived as if this world was all,
And is now with those who say,
"The harvest is past
The summer is ended
And we are not saved."

Dear friend: are you making this mistake?
It certainly isn't necessary.
The Bible says,
"That if you confess with your mouth
The lord JESUS and believe in your heart
That God raised Him from the dead
You shall be saved." (Romans 10.9)
For what does it profit a man
If he gains the whole world
And lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36)
Be wise
Live Responsibly.


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