Many people do wonder
Why my head works differently
From how the others work
Mine is simply configured
Differently from the way the others' are

You see?
When a commissioner says
"My Oga at the top"
He means the governor
Or perhaps he who gave him a fix

When an employee says
"My Oga at the top"
He most likely means his employer

When a woman says
"My Oga at the top"
She almost at all times
Mean to refer to her husband

So my Oga at the top
Might not be your Oga at the top

Coming from me,
It definitely mean
To refer to that one
Who is greater than my fears
That one who
By his hands
This big amazing world was built
Who blesses me
Every second of time

Who gave life, skill and more
To a million and more employers

Who gave 'voice' and honour to a billion and more politicians

Who gave
To a thrillion women and many more
The ability to be called 'mother'
Who is
The Christ
My illumination
Always completely
Has me in awe.
My Oga at the top


  1. Who are you? Where does your inspiration come from?
    Cos this is (permit me to say) dope.


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